Activate the Sage

Aug 22, 2024

Last week, I discussed the thinking model with the acronym TFA. I hope you had a chance to ponder your thoughts and see the direct connection between your thoughts, emotions, and resulting actions. Since that first introduction to understanding how my thoughts and emotions guided my actions, I have been in pursuit of learning more, asking the question, how can we overcome unhealthy, deeply rooted negativity?

Recently, I delved into Shirzad Chamine's groundbreaking concept of Positive Intelligence. This methodology extends beyond traditional frameworks, offering a unique blend of neuroscience, cognitive psychology, positive psychology, and performance science. It's a fascinating exploration of how we can harness the power of our minds to foster a more fulfilling and productive life.

Positive Intelligence is a concept that can fundamentally transform our approach to personal growth. At its core, it revolves around two pivotal ideas. Firstly, it distinguishes between positive and negative thoughts, revealing that they originate from different dimensions of the brain. This insight is crucial for understanding the internal dynamics that influence our mental state and behaviors.

Secondly, Positive Intelligence introduces practical tools designed to shift our brain patterns away from negativity. These tools are not just theoretical; they are actionable strategies that can lead to significant changes in how we perceive and interact with the world around us.

Imagine a triangle that represents the landscape of our brain. On one side, we have the 'Judge' part of the left brain, which is often responsible for sabotaging our thinking. This includes judging ourselves, leading to self-doubt, drained energy, anxiety, and stress; judging others, which can cause conflict and reduce trust and collaboration; and judging circumstances, triggering anxiety, overwhelm, and a survival mindset. Accompanying the Judge are various personas like the Stickler, Pleaser, Hyper-vigilant, Hyper-achiever, Hyper-rational, Restless, Controller, Avoider, and Victim, each contributing to a negative self-narrative.

On the opposite side of the triangle is the 'Sage' part of the right brain, which embodies our ability to handle challenges and explore possibilities with empathy, creativity, peace, calm, clear-headed focus, and activation. This is where our potential for personal growth and fulfillment lies.

At the top of the triangle are the "keys to the kingdom," tools that unlock the sage part of our brain by rewiring the pathways to open our minds to answers and new possibilities. An example of such a tool is the simple act of breathing deeply or touching fingers, techniques that can have a profound impact on our mental state.

As we navigate the complexities of personal development, integrating the principles of Positive Intelligence into our lives offers a promising path forward. I leave you with a challenge: the next time you find yourself in a moment of frustration or negativity, and the 'Judge' within you begins to emerge, take a moment to stop and recognize the trigger. Use the tools you've learned, like taking a deep breath or touching your fingers, to shift your mindset. By doing so, you're not just reacting to the situation at hand; you're rewiring your brain to embrace the sage's perspective, opening yourself up to a world of possibilities and growth. Let's embark on this journey together, exploring the vast potential that Positive Intelligence holds for our personal development.  If you want some help with this, reach out to us at Life By Design and schedule a free coaching call.  Lorena and I are here to help!




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