Joy-filled Opportunities...

Jan 30, 2024

Dear friends,

I am sharing a personal update with you all. Firstly, I'm deeply grateful for the past 12 years that
Exponential Functions has been in business. It's been an incredible journey filled with growth,
learning, and amazing experiences. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work with many
amazing people and organizations over the years.

What's most rewarding for me, however, is working with people from all walks of life and seeing them
transform their lives in ways they never thought possible. It's a true honor to be able to support
others in achieving their goals and realizing their full potential.

In that vein, I'm thrilled to announce a new venture that combines coaching and training with my new
business partner, Lorena Najarro. We are launching a new venture called Life By Design Leadership to
help people achieve their dreams. Thanks for joining me on this journey, and stay tuned for more

I can't end this newsletter without expressing my deep appreciation to my husband, Dale. His insight
and vision for creating our mobile lifestyle have been genuinely life-changing. By dividing our time
between Arizona, Texas, and Portland, we've been able to experience so much and create memories
that will last a lifetime. I feel so fortunate to have a partner and an amazing family who supports all
my endeavors and shares my sense of adventure and love of exploration. Their encouragement and
love have been a constant source of strength for us both, and we wouldn't be where we are today
without them.

Thanks for participating in this journey with me, and please look for an official announcement from
our new training platform. I can't wait to share it.

Julie Sies

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