What are you Thinking?

Aug 08, 2024

Do you ever feel like the challenges of the current season are testing us to our very core? It seems like negativity and bad news are lurking around every corner, making it a real struggle to maintain our inner strength. But I've got something uplifting to share with you today!

Let's try a little exercise together. Place your hands gently on your head and affirm to yourself, "My brain is amazing!" Thank you for joining me in this simple yet powerful gesture. Now, let's take a deep breath together. Ready? Inhale deeply... and exhale.

I've always been fascinated by the human brain. About a decade ago, I stumbled upon a concept that truly transformed my outlook on life. It's a straightforward idea that explains the process unfolding in our brains whenever we experience an event. This concept is encapsulated in the acronym T.F.A., which stands for Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions.

Here's how it works: an event occurs, and our observation of it sparks a thought. This thought then triggers a feeling, which leads to an action or reaction. This sequence unfolds rapidly, often leaving the initial thought unrecognized. While we might be aware of our emotions, the true indicator of our thought process is reflected in our actions or reactions. For instance, consider a common scenario like procrastination. You might not follow through on your goals, and upon reflection, you realize you believe these goals are imposed by others, leading to feelings of resentment or dread. This negative emotion then results in inaction. To alter this outcome, it's essential to cultivate a more positive thought that evokes an emotion strong enough to propel you forward.

When I first encountered this concept, it was a revelation. I recognized that I was the main obstacle in my own path to success, primarily due to my negative internal dialogue. No wonder achieving my goals felt so out of reach!

By understanding and applying the T.F.A. concept, we can start to see how our thoughts shape our reality. It's a gentle reminder that by shifting our mindset, we can unlock a world of potential and positive change. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and transformation together, embracing the power of our amazing brains to lead us toward the lives we desire.


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